This adult bed but was located by one of our K-9s during a routine tenant changeover inspection. The tenant never informed the landlord he had bed bugs when he gave notice and moved out. He had left the apartment in good condition other than this bed bug and probably a few of his friends hiding along a floor vent.
On September 25, 2016, Gov. Brown signed into law Assembly Bill 551 - Rental Property: Bed bugs. This law will effect all landlords, tenants and any pest control company that performs bed bug work. Here are some important points written into the law that you need to be aware of:
1: Educating tenants - Requires a landlord, on and after July 1, 2017, prior to creating a new tenancy for a dwelling unit, to provide a written notice to the prospective tenant that includes, but is not limited to: a) general information about bed bug identification, behavior and biology, the importance of cooperation for prevention, treatment and prompt written reporting of suspected infestations; and b) the procedure to report suspected infestations to the landlord.
2: Landlords can not retaliate - Provides that a landlord may not engage in any retaliatory conduct against a tenant who has notified the landlord of finding or reasonably suspecting a bed bug infestation on the property.
3: Must reasonably know - Prohibits a landlord from renting or leasing, or offering to rent or lease, any vacant dwelling unit that the landlord knows or should reasonably know has a current bed bug infestation.
4: Tenants receive inspection findings - Requires the landlord to notify all tenants of units inspected by the PCO of the PCO's findings. Further requires the notification to be in writing and within two business days of receipt of the pest control operator's findings, and requires the notice of the findings notice to be provided to all tenants for confirmed infestations in common areas.
Green Dog Can Help!
Green Dog Pest Service is committed to helping our pest control and property manager partners with all the changes and requirements this new law imposes. Here's just three of the many ways we can help:
1. We provide tenant changeover inspections to ensure that landlords have reasonable knowledge (as required by the law) that there are no current bed bug infestations in the rental units.
2. We provide written, detailed inspection reports, with photos, after every inspection.
3. We perform pre-treatment and post-treatment inspections so that property managers have clearance reports.