This month the Structural Pest Control Board sent notice to companies regarding the use of Pest-Sniffing dogs. The notice explains which Business & Professional Code violations unlicensed companies are violating. The notice serves as a warning to companies violating the law by performing inspections with sniffing dogs as well as serving notice to those companies who hire or are involved with "aiding and abetting" these companies.
“....the Structural Pest Control Board will also seek enforcement action against those who aid and abet by utilizing the service of unlicensed individuals or unregistered companies to conduct prohibited-pest control.”
We've been telling PCO's for awhile that K-9 teams must be licensed branch 2 companies (for bed bugs). We are also following the letter of the law by deploying handlers that are licensed Field Reps.
Green Dog Pest Service is proud to be follow the laws of the California Structural Pest Control Board and we follow NPMA's Best Management Practices for K-9 bed bug inspections. We look forward to working with your company in 2017!
Notice from CA Structural Pest Control Board